Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Maximus makeover....

Today, Max went to Dirty Dogs for a makeover. He normally needs groomed about every 3 weeks and it has been almost 5 this time. I promised Momster that I would document the transformation so here he is..

Here he is when his mohawk is long enough to put into a "ponyhawk."

This picture has him waiting to go to the groomers. I think he knows that something is up....

After coming home from his afternoon of pampering..... He wanted to lay on my sister's lap instead of posing for pictures...

Finally, under duress, he poses....

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I am exhausted!!!

Today, my sister, my nephew, Cee and I went to an amusement park and water park. I am exhausted! I think I went up the stairs to the slides about 10 times. Not the way I want to get my exercise. Honestly, I didn't want any exercise... We had a great time and I have reached the point where even typing is getting hard.
Tomorrow, I have to start the long process of sorting through everything I have acquired in the last 4 weeks. I have a bad habit of getting more than will fit in my vehicle. Fortunately, I have a truck that I can pack seriously full. I plan to document the whole process on film as I go....

Good night all.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Family reunion, Sunangel style....

OK, it was totally lame. Cee went with my parents and got there just as it started. I waited and painted my nails so I could make my grand entrance....
Actually, the truth is that I hate these things because I don't ever know what to say. From my point of view, I am walking into a crowd of people, half of which, I can't remember their names or how they are related and all of whom think I should know and know their life histories, too~~~
So I come in, in my big-assed truck, down the hill and onto the wet grass. I embarass myself by trying to turn into a spot and spin the back tires. Spin them again. Back up and finally get it in there.... I come down to where everyone is sitting and eating and trying not to stare at the idiot who bought and couldn't drive it.

Example of typical conversation #1:
"Hi, Sunangel, how are you?"
"How long are you in for?" (What, is this a prison?)
"Til August."
"Then where are you going?"
"Oklahoma." I smile but apparently it does not seem sincere.
"Why are you going there?" (Do I have a choice?)
"My husband's next job is there."
"Oh! Where's he at?"
I supply the answer and then I hear, "You came back without him?" As if I couldn't even pick my nose without his help!
I just smile and look for someone else to talk to. Then my conversation partner says, "You don't me, do you?"

Conversation #2
I walk up to someone who I think I know. "Hi," I say. I get this look of confusion as I press on with talking. Finally, I say, "you don't know me, do you?" "Nope." I explain who I am and then conversation #1 starts.

Since I have nothing in common with most of these people, I attempt to stumble through the food line and hope I don't get any nasty surprises with flavors. No such luck.... I take a bite of something and am very surprised that there is some sort of peanut butter cream in it. I put it down on the plate and then find out that I am sitting across from the creator of the said pastry. Of course, I try to say something complimentary and I think I might have succeeded.

On a good note, I did get to see some cousins that I would have prefered to stay in touch with and boy! are they cute.

On the bad side, electric fence, horses, smoking around children, rain, snobby teenagers, interesting food and alcohol all made for one eventful afternoon.

For a much better description of the famdamly reunion, see Momster's blog........

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bug me anytime....

Just a few bug images going at the lake today..........

Some lake images....

Momster is always ready with her camera. She thinks that she has pictures to bribe me with about the park ranger but I WAS NOT FLIRTING WITH HIM. Really, I wasn't! You can believe her....

This is actually only one dragonfly but the sun shining through the wings makes it look like two.
You find shapes in the weirdest places. I just though this looks like a heart.

Have you ever taken a picture that just made you want to jump up

and down? When I saw this one, I got really excited because I just love the way the water looks in this.........

You may be a redneck if....

You put an outhouse in your yard for Halloween and then decide it looks nice enough for the rest of the year.....
You have a statue of a cow in your front yard......
You think a wooden buro is decoration.......
Apparently, there is a pink elephant in the yard down the way but I haven't gone elephant hunting yet. Stay tuned.

Part 2 of our walk through town.

Spidey's shadow at noon....
Cee shows me that she has eaten all of her pizza (and has no cavaties.)

Is this were the trash goes? In the same yard as the used condom last week.....

The local "crick".

It is weird what we will take pictures of when given a camera with unlimited memory capabiliities......

A walk through town for pizza (part 1 of ?)

Yesterday, Cee, Momster, Goblin, Spidey and I went up through town to have pizza at the local pizza joint. Apparently, this town has more pizza parlors than churches.....
Just made me think of apple, baseball and mom....sniff, sniff, sniff. (Que sentimental music.)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm so excited....

I have finally come to the top of the wish list on for a book I have been waiting for since January!!!! Usually, I just go and buy the book used from Amazon or because I don't have enough patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I should be getting this one soon...
The title is: If I Am Missing or Dead: A Sister's Story of Love, Murder, and Liberation by Janine Latus.
I love because I really am such and avid reader and I read such a wide variety of things. If you have books cluttering up your space and want something new, this is an unpaid advertisement for them.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Living in a small house....with too many people and dogs and not nearly enough space....

So, I know I said this earlier but I am staying in a house with 6 other people, 5 dogs and 1 bathroom.

Living here like this is extremely hard on me because I am used to having a LOT of space to myself. I lived in a 3 bedroom house with my hubby and daughter and 1 dog. Now I'm here. I share a room with my sister....This room also contains her computer, a couch and a TV. So a couple of nights ago, I get in bed and feel something uncomfortable. Sesame seeds.... Turns out, my bed is not my bed unless I am in it. My nephew was eating in my bed!!! I have no space that is exclusively my own. I can't take a shower without clearing it with everyone in the house because the minute I try, someone will need the bathroom. I don't mind my husband using the toilet while I shower and I can tolerate my daughter but I don't want anyone else in there while I scrub me bum. The bathroom door doesn't even lock so the dogs push the door open whenever....

Enough venting, just wait until tomorrow... My brother and his wife are coming over to visit and celebrate some birthdays and she drives me positively insane.....

Living Plain...

I have been going to the flea market with Momster. Somehow, it never has any fleas for sale just lots of treasures waiting to be discovered....
So anyway, one of the things I bought was a used book, The Shunning, by Beverly Lewis. I thought it was a great book, about an Amish girl who finds out that she was adopted from the outside and the struggles she has with behaving the expected way. So, since I liked this book so much, I bought another by Beverly Lewis. I tend to do this with authors. I'll read one book that I like and then read anything I can get my hands on by that same author...
This book, The Redemption of Sarah Cain, has made me think about the thought of living Plain. Living Plain is where you essentially become Amish. They have decided to do without worldly goods, etc. I don't know the whole list of rules but the women cover their hair and wear long plainly covered dresses, etc. I don't think I want to become Amish but what would it be like to live and work in an Amish community for a couple of months. It sounds ideal to me in some ways because I think it would be less stressful. No TV blaring in the background. No bad hair days, no one calling your cell to find out where you are, no keeping up with the Joneses..... Just work hard and be appreciated for what you do instead of what you have and what you look like.........
What do you all think?

The Max....

While we were outside playing cards 2 nights ago, my daughter decided to bury the Max in sandbox. The poor dog.

Let me tell you about the Max. His real name is Maximus. He is named after the gladiator Maximus from the movie. When he came into our family, I thought he needed a big name since he only weighs about 6 pounds. He is a Maltese and the groomer dyed his hair blue on top.

I named him Maximus but he NEVER gets called that. He has more nicknames than you can believe. Maxidoodle, Maxattacks, Maximomo, the Max, and Ichabod. Don't ask me about that one. My dad just thinks that he looks like an Ichabod.....
Here, Cee has decided to dig him out. He was filthy. He shook off and then went inside where he went nuts! Then my dad says that the sand was full of bugs.... So, 10:30 at night, Max gets a bath....

Monday, July 21, 2008

Some more lake pictures..

On these two pictures, I was playing around with the settings on my camera and using aperature priority and focal lengths. Unfortunately, I have no idea the exact settings so I can do it again.

Playing at the lake

This is Momster's son and my daughter on the tire swing at the lake. She loves to see if she can make him sick and make his mom wince as he comes to close to the post.....

Interesting dishwasher.

So here is my darling daughter cleaning the bowl after making brownies. She probably had more mix on her face and in her hair than in the bowl....

My first....

Ok, so I am trying to be provocative with the title but this is actually my first time at the whole blogging thing and it feels to me sorta like the first time you do a lot of things.... I'm slightly nervous about the whole thing. What will people think? Why do I think that what I write is interesting? So anyways, here goes...
This is a good time for me to start this as I am in transition at this time. I am currently staying with my parents and am in the middle of a move. I feel homeless. All my worldly goods are in boxes en-route to my destination and I am literally living out of a suitcase. I want to buy more clothes but I know that I have soooo much stuff being moved that I just can't justify it.
This whole blog thing will be a good way to get my feelings out without killing someone in my house. Let me just say that having 7 people, 5 dogs and 1 bathroom makes an outlet extremely necessary!
I am also stressed because I have to find a place to live, get my 11 yr. daughter, Cee enrolled in 6th grade, get all the stuff from the movers, etc.... I know that I am capable but sometimes the sheer amount of things gets to me. Good thing I have great friends like Momster to take me out swimming at the lake and challenge me to get some great pictures, too.....