Thursday, December 4, 2008

December album update.....what album?

Well, I really have nothing to update since I haven't done anything besides taking a picture of the pre-completed pages I have.... I thought that since my Ps were coming on the 1st that I would have lots of material but I can't find my camera, UGH! I have made notes of what has been happening so I can AT LEAST journal about the happenings of this month. I have writtendown some of the things said that are funny or notable. I have taken a few pictures with my cell phone and Cee had her picture taken with Santa last night so I can use thaat......
I am determined to do this though! It might not get done daily but I will do it!
P.S. I stole the image from online (Thankyou Google!)


~B. said...

Me, too!!! Or...should I either. Or me neither!?!!!!

Today...right? There's always today.

Anonymous said...

Just keep swimming! ;) You're doing great!

(and that template was made by Jessica Sprague. If you want the rest of them, search on her blog: )