Monday, November 17, 2008

Commencement ceremony

Thurday was the big day! I done graduated! OK, I have not finished my final draft of my capstone paper (a type of thesis) which is due by December 5th but I still participated in the ceremony. I am getting all choked up just typing! I have my bachelors degree already so on Thursday, I received a Master's of Science in Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Not bad, hmm? No pics yet because I can't find the cable to download from my hubby's camera. When I can, I will post some so everyone can see! This is a special time when the candidate (me) gets "hooded." That means they receive the cloth that hangs down the back and is different colors.
This picture shows the tan color denoting business (MSM (mine) or MBA). The colors inside show the university colors. In my case, they are blue and gold (I couldn't find a picture).
Just in case my head got to big, Walmart brought me down a notch on Friday. I applied online for a management position. In order to be considered, I needed to pass this online exam. I failed it. Spent a good part of Saturday in a fit of pique but I am over it now. I am applying to teach at various colleges and universities in the area and something will come my way!

1 comment:

~B. said...

Whoooo-hooooo!!! GO YOU!!! Congratulations.

Screw Walmart...they're evil anyway. Really.