Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Has it been that long?

I feel like I am running into an old friend! Really! I have been swamped and now I finally have a few minutes to catch up. The hubby came home on Halloween night and we have been really busy. The parents were supposed to come and visit for my graduation ceremony on Nov. 13th and we were scrambling to get the house in visiting order. Unfortunately, my mother has been very ill and the doctors do not know what is the matter. She has been in and out of the hospital for the last few weeks. They think it might be lupus or something called mayasthenia gravis (sp). They won't be able to come for the graduation and I don't know if they are coming this year at all.
Cee is sick again. This time, I didn't even cal the nurse line. She had a fever of 102.9 and I gave her ibuprofen. One hour later, it was 104.2. The very nice ER doctor thinks it is strep but I have to monitor her for meningitis. I should just go to med school.

Or I should be a veternarian since Teesha has been in to see him twice in the last 2 weeks. Now he thinks she has developed a food allergy....
I am just waiting for someone else to get sick because I am on it!!!! I know everything! I am the goddess of nursing!

1 comment:

~B. said...

I had no idea about your Mom! :( My family tells me nothing. :( I hope that she will be ok. And that Cee gets over this bout of whatever-it-is quickly. And that Teesha just ate a bug or something that didn't agree with her.