Friday, January 30, 2009

In memory of....

Have you ever met someone just one time and liked them instantly? I had the pleasure of meeting such a person just before Christmas. Here is how it happened.
The hubby and I received an invitation to go to a Christmas jam and potluck. Basically, bring food and play music. We thought it would be a great idea until the night of... He came home from work very tired and I hadn't thought of anything to make but we had already RSVP'ed so I made 2 boxes of mac-n-cheese and off we went. Their house was in a town 47 miles north of here so we drove along basically only knowing how to get to town and then we called for directions from there. When we walked in, our host was playing music and so his wife welcomed us. We were over an hour late but she was very sweet. I could tell that much of the food had been made by her. Over the course of the evening, she talked to everyone, gave hugs where needed and made oodles of coffee.
When it was time to go, she gave everyone little gift bags with angel ornaments and small card. I was telling her how much I enjoyed myself (I usually don't really enjoy myself) and that I hoped to see her again. She told me they were leaving the day after Christmas because there was a small spot on her liver.
This morning she died of liver and lung cancer. She hadn't been truthful, the "small" spot was a tumor the size of a ping pong ball. She didn't want to ruin anyone else's holidays.
This lady has children my age but I really like her and thought that I could be friends with her. I was never given the chance.
I am glad that a few days later, I actually sat down and wrote her a card to thank her and to tell her how much I had enjoyed myself.
Sometimes, I think that it is not so much what you do in life but how big of a hole you leave in death.

1 comment:

~B. said...

I am so sorry. :*( That was a beautiful tribute to her and the type of person she must have been. I will say a prayer. (((hugs)))