Thursday, December 11, 2008

Plans for the day.....a meme

I saw on another blog, a post about doing 101 things in 1001 days. Things like sewing, learning a language, getting out of debt.... I thought, "wow, what a great idea! Set some goals, get some things done, motivation time!" Then I thought, not happening in my life at this time! I don't have time to make the list! My to-do list for today has too many things going on! So it is with great pleasure that I unveil my 1,000,001 things to do in 1 day. MUCH more realistic!
1. Dishes
2. 2 loads of laundry (counts as 2 items, right?)
4. Pay insurance
5. Pay last of tuition
6. Work 2 hours on paper
7. Wrap Christmas gifts
8. Figure out Christmas card design
9. Order materials for card
10. Clean up area where tree is going
11. Find Christmas decorations
12. Vacumn
13. Sweep
14. Dust
15. Bake cookies
16. Clean out fridge
17. Print pics for December album
18. Journal for album
19. Fold laundry from yesterday
20. Learn enough HTML to cross out things on my list

OK, OK, I exagerated a little but this is just the things I can think of! I will certainly do things not on the list which I will add and I will come back and cross off those I have accomplished!
Hopefully, all will be done by tonight!!!!

********It's now about 5 pm and I am done for the day, things can wait until tomorrow!****************

1 comment:

~B. said...

Ooooh, nothin' like a list to motivate...or overwhelm...depending on the day. And the list. ;) Great job! :)