Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tag, I'm it.....

I was tagged by Momster a few days ago but have not had a moment to get anything done. So, the way the tag goes is this. Go into your pictures, 4 th folder, 4th picture, and share the memory...

This was taken at a Rick Springfield concert, July 30, 2003. Momster was able to get tickets and I flew in just for the show. We ended up winning front row seats by writing on the bottom of my feet. Momster and I just about died when we saw him because we are such huge fans. I actually
have an entire scrapbook page from high school devoted to him. It was the best, most selfish thing I have ever done for myself and I will never forget it!!!
Now, my big problem....tagging 4 more people.........I hate to do this since I don't know many bloggers but I am looking... Just treat this as a meme instead and do it if you want........

1 comment:

~B. said...

I'm giddy with this. Seriously. Totally. GIDDY.

Rick sweat...nothin' like it. :P

You grab his left leg,
I'll grab the right,

You grab his left leg,
I'll grab the right,

You grab his left leg,
I'll grab the right,
We'll scream like high school girls
All night
Honey, oh baby mine.

( case you can't tell that's from that old song about fishin' in the crawdad the cuff 'cause I'm a dork!)

But HOT. Always.