Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Its Official

This morning, I felt like Garfield on the scales. I have officially gained 10 pounds since coming back to the states at the end of June. In celebration of that, I have decided to lose those 10 pounds and 43 more! I added a ticker to the right side and think public humiliation might motivate me more that all the clothes that don't fit!
So I solemnly vow to stop eating out of boredom, start eating more protein, drink water, not drink soda or lemonade, and eat more veggies!
I will also list everything I have eaten in the last day....Just because I know no one will care!!!!!

1 comment:

~B. said...

You can do it. You can do it!

I need to get back on track myself. Why don't you consider joining us at "Hot Like Me and You", too? Just a thought.