Monday, October 20, 2008

Where's the cable?

So this weekend, some friends came over to help me put my craft room together and I actually remembered to take some pictures of the before and during (the after hasn't happened yet)and then I can't find the cable to download the pics to the computer!!!!
Actually, they came to help with the craft room because I bribed them with access to all my paper and tools. We ended up setting a table in the living room and making invites to a Halloween party that is coming up. It now looks like a paper shredder exploded in the living room. You will have to imagine it until the cable shows up......
I finally gave up and just bought a costume at Evil Wal-Mart. I couldn't think of anything good that I could make up. Cee is going as a Gothic mummy? At least that is what she is calling it now.....
Max is going at Count Maxula and I have a good picture of that too!!!!!!!! This whole move thing is so frustrating when I can't find something.....

1 comment:

~B. said...

Need. Pictures. Soon. Check the couch for the cable? Maybe?

Are you going to share your Halloween invite, too?