Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This morning I went to training to be an election official for the upcoming general election. Thank goodness I will only be a clerk and there will be 2 others there to make things run smoothly. I don't know how many are in the precinct I am working at but they are expecting at least a 60% turnout. It will be a long and busy day but worth it in the end. I will say that I volunteered for this job but am glad that I getting paid......
All of this brought about a serious political conversation with my hubby over dinner at the local restaurant. Many couples might be able to say straight out who they are going to vote for but we were both very careful to talk without saying who exactly we each will vote for but it was insightful to find out that what I consider to be major issues, he doesn't see that way. He was concerned about things I didn't know mattered. I still haven't decided. Because I will be working that day, I will actually vote by absentee 3 days before....
So, if you decide to comment, please don't say who you want to win but tell me what you consider to be the most important issue in this election. I will come out and say that I think the war and how it is resolved is most important to me....

1 comment:

~B. said...

Yikes...I wonder what stories you will have to tell after election day at the polls.