Sunday, August 10, 2008

13 fun and quirky things about me.

1. I hate to travel. Not the going to new places but the actual process of getting there. It means a long car ride or plane ride to get there. Uncomfortable, cramped, never knowing if I packed the right things, being tired when I get there and then the trip back to look forward to!

2. I have a book fetish. I don't know what else to call it! I don't just want to read a book, I like to be surrounded by books, have them piled by my bed ready to read, know they are coming in the mail, reading more than one at a time, rereading old favorites and crying in the same places. Really, its just weird.

3. I pick my toenails when I read. Maybe TMI but it is a habit I can't break!!! I can't read in bed without doing it.

4. I hate Starbucks coffee. I love to drink coffee but can't stand to get coffee from there. I can't explain it but it always tastes burnt to me. I will however drink their fru-fru drinks.

5. I am a particular OCD person. I am only OCD about some things. Mainly, the cabinets in my kitchen. I put things away a certain way and get angry if others don't do the same. My family will actually rearrange just to irritate me.

6. I re-shelve books in the library if I find them out of place. The other place that I am OCD. If you take a book off the shelf, put it back correctly or don't put it back at all. The local library here actually has a special place to put them so they don't get put back incorrectly. :P

7. I can do the "Live Long and Prosper" Vulcan symbol with both my hands. It is a skill that helps no one but what if Spock comes back in time to visit?

8. I tried out for Jeopardy. I didn't make it one but I did make to the second test. Out of 200 people who took it, only 7 scored high enough to go on. I wasn't one of them. I did however get to meet Alex Trebek.

9. I love the smell of Obsession but not on my husband. He wears Oldspice deodorant and after 14 years that is the only thing I want to smell on him.

10. My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla. Plain, old, ordinary, boring vanilla. Don't put anything on it, in it, under it or else!!!!!!

11. I can't count!

1 comment:

~B. said...

13 is harder to get to than it seems, huh?

Why can't I remember the Jeopardy thing? It feels like a dream I had one time or something.