Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What do dogs do all day?

I have often wondered what dogs did all day. I have seen all the cute cartoons about smoking cigars and playing poker but I think I have figured out what dogs do. At least what my dogs do.

Just about NOTHING>
Teesha either sleeps or keeps Max from getting at the food.

Max either sleeps or tries to get at the food.

Both live for attention and begging when I am around. I have tried giving kongs to both and they want nothing to do with them unless I hold the kong for them.
***Just a note on kongs. Don't use chunky peanut butter!***

1 comment:

~B. said...

Oh no! Well...holding the kong for them is just not right. Sorry!! That's such a bummer. Maybe it will grow on them? Maybe freeze them with yogurt (upside down, bread stuffed in the hole)? See how that goes.