Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Old friends come back into my life today!!!

So today, I was at the base clinic trying to get some paperwork done (because I haven't done anything) and in walks the ex-husband of a good friend from the last time I was here. I am a terrible pen pal and never kept in touch with her so I did not know where she was anymore. He tells me that Tinkerbell is on her way to meet him right there. Boy, was she surprised! She was not feeling well so I have not been able to catch with her. I am happppyyy that I have some one local that I know. Hopefully, tomorrow, we will be able to visit and Cee will get to play with some kids her age.

Then, I got a call from my MamaAngel, my best friend from overseas. She has 8 kids! Only 3 live at home now but can you imagine? I know, some of you can but being the mom of an only, aaahhhhhhhh!

MamaAngel lives in Florida now and I have not gotten to speak with her since mid-June so we finally were able to visit on the phone. I got to tell her about my new craft room and she was telling me about the interesting colors that her house had been painted before they moved in. She is trying to dig herself out of all of her household goods from both overseas and from storage.

She is so lucky because she has a built in pool in her backyard! Cee is already talking about where we are going to put the pool at our new house. I just want to update the inside first!!

1 comment:

~B. said...

Yay!!! That's such awesome news. :)