Friday, August 22, 2008

I am very excited!!!!!

OK, Momster tagged me and I tagged some other people and so on and so on. Well, what has me excited is that when I look at the site meter map, I literally have people from all over the world!! Australia, Asia, South America, you get the picture! So this tagging thing worked for me!

In other news, apparently, the happy pills have started working again and I am feeling better now. I just need to make the 100 mile round trip to the nearest craft store and get some stuff to pour my creative energies into.

Cee has been invited to a friend's house this afternoon so she is making friends and adjusting to life here. I think that has helped my frame of mind.

All is well. Thank you everyone who listened to me whine.

1 comment:

~B. said...

Yay!! I'm so glad that Cee is adjusting and making friends so quickly...though I had no doubt that she would.

Totally take that road trip and go shoppin'! By the way, where is your table now? Set up or in storage?